These professional tips will help you save money on your next painting job

Engineer Construction painter man at work with a paint roller on the wall In ASEAN

Preparing the space before professional painters arrive to paint your house can help you save money and ensure a great job.

Painting is best done in a clean, tidy room. This helps to reduce the amount of work they need to do before they arrive so they can just hang up their paintbrushes and get on with their job.

Paint Job 101: Clear the Decks

Preparing the room in advance can help homeowners save time and money. You should first remove any items that are not needed for painting, such as art, bulletin boards, or hanging shelves. You should also remove any breakable items, such as lamps, from the walls. Pack it away or move it to another area to keep it safe while you paint.

After that, remove the furniture from the painted area. You can sometimes move the furniture to the middle of the room. However, if you have a small room with lots of furniture or if you are painting the ceiling, you might want to move it to another area. You need to leave enough space for ladders and paint tools, as well as safety for the painters. Cover any furniture left behind with a drop cloth or tarp to keep it safe from spillages and splatters after you have moved it.

Prepare the Walls

Once the decks have been cleared, it is time to prepare the walls. First, fill small holes with spackling compound. To smoothen the surface, lightly sand it. After the repairs are complete, vacuum the walls using an extension hose. You can also use a broad brush to sweep the walls. You can clean the walls with a mixture of water and grease-cutting detergent if they are very dirty or greasy. To remove any detergent residue, rinse the walls with clean water. Allow the walls to dry completely for 24 hours before you paint. *

When the humidity is low and the temperature is between 60-80 degrees, plan your painting job. This will allow you to keep your windows open and let the air circulate throughout the room. It also allows paint to dry at the ideal temperature. If the weather isn’t cooperating, run the fan to keep the house cool. This will allow paint to dry faster and reduce odors. *

Make sure to clean up spills

What happens if paint splatters are left behind by painters? Professional painters will clean up paint splatters and keep them from spreading. If some paint is missed inspection, it’s simple enough to clean up.

Use a cloth or a putty knife to clean up any paint. Mix one-half teaspoon dish soap with a cup warm water in a spray can. Use a spray bottle to wipe the stain. You can wet vacuum it if it is a major spillage. Then, squirt some soapy water on the area and wipe it clean.